Citizen One

Clear your calendar. Read this book. This is not a drill. With absolute knowledge of a population’s identity comes absolute command of its destiny.

MyGovID? aadhaar? EUDI? read this first!

Why this Book matters
& why now



Government Digital ID, like MyGovID and EUDI, sound trendy and promise convenience and choice. Hey, they may even catch some fraud. Government “experts” tell us they’re secure, but wait! This all sounds familiar…


In 1930’s Germany, Hitler built a huge centralised identity registry and a police state to enforce it. First sold as nation building, it was later used to selectively deny food and housing. Ultimately it became the tool for hunting and murdering millions of unpopular people. Pen strokes on ID cards produced gunshots in pits.


In Citizen One, senior engineer Paul G Conlon draws chilling parallels between Nazi Germany’s identity harvesting and the Digital ID and surveillance infrastructure being deployed right now. He combines firsthand family history from that era with deep technical knowledge to warn that lockdowns were just a taste of what’s coming, if we allow it.


Citizen One will give you the knowledge and understanding as to why identity data is uniquely life and death, and why the powerful crave it. Along with gaining a frightening appreciation for modern technology’s potential to make the Holocaust look like a dress rehearsal; this book will reveal the propaganda used to manipulate you into revealing your secrets and what you can do about it.

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My latest book release addressing the historical lessons of government overreach in centralised identity management. Let’s leave the past where it belongs. Technology offers us a better way.

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Soon Citizen One will be available through a number of channels including Amazon and directly through this site.

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